Green Gecko - a project with a difference?
Liz, Kate and Tania - three names of three amazing people! Along with a range of additional staff and volunteers that see Green Gecko as the family unit that it is. Green Gecko provides whole of family support. They support a total of 32 families - the families of the original kids that Tania and Rem helped. Fourteen years after it began, Green Gecko has seen the original Gecko kids grow up, graduate from High School, enter University and get married and begin families of their own. The parents have learned new skills and are now in a position to financially and emotionally become the backbones of their families once more. This project is innovative in that it does not take new children into the program - it supports the same families all the way through. The anticipation is that the current model will reach the end of its life cycle within the next few years. That doesn't mean it won't exist - it means it won't exist in its current form....